
New SOLAS Shipping Container Weight Verification Regulations Take Effect July 1st

The Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) has been approved by International Maritime Organization to make sure that containers being shipped via ships must have a defined and validated weight. The responsibility of verified shipping container weight is assigned solely to the organization whose shipping the item. This new rule will become active starting July 1, 2016. Therefore, once the regulated package requirement is in effect, a violation would be assigned to the ship controller and marine terminal operator if the weight of the containers onboard have not been confirmed.
SOLAS Shipping Container Weight Verification Requirements

The SOLAS container weight verification requirements state that there are two avenues shippers can take in order to define the container’s weight once the packaging phase has occurred. If you live on the Earth, this rule applies to you. All people involved with the shipping process will need to create guidelines and policies to enforce these guidelines: guidelines teaching how to verify the weight of a container. There are questions concerning the fine print details of these new SOLAS container weight verification requirements; the World Shipping Council has given an outlined rundown of the new policies.

SOLAS Container Weight Verification Procedures

First the container that will be placed on the ship for shipment must have a proven weight through a simple weighing process on a shipping truck scale or appropriate weighing system. People in control of these containers will technically be reprobating against SOLAS if they do not have a clarified weight of their containers. This rule is cemented and there are no exceptions.
SOLAS Maritime Container Weight Verification

There are two ways to weigh a container according to the new SOLAS amendments. The first method is weighing the container, fully loaded with whatever contents are inside. The second method is weighing the contents of the container and the container separately, then adding the two weighs. The weight of only the empty container will be posted on the door of he container.

Weights must be definite, and it is not allowed for someone to give an estimation of the weight. The organization in control of the package must actually weigh the container, in order to have the exact weight. The scale or piece of equipment being used to weigh out the container must pass the national certification and calibration requirements. The organization whose packing the container cannot used a weight given from some other party.

SOLAS Container Weight Verification Procedures

The organization whose carrying the container can use the weight verification of the shipper in order to ensure accuracy. The third-party logistics carrier is not required to verify again the shipper’s weight verification. SOLAS container weight verification policies do not require the carrier to prove that a shipper has followed the proper container weight verification procedures, according to the authority of the packing and sealing process of the container. The carrier must sign the container or papers related to the container in order to represent the shipper and the accuracy of the weight calculations the shipper used, on behalf of the shipper.
Weighing Shipping Container Weight

If there is no signing to prove the defined weight the shipper recorded, then the full container can be weighted at the shipping port. If the shipping port terminal has no weighing equipment then an alternative must be used in order to determine the weight of the container; if the weight cannot be provided, the container will not be put onto the ship.

It is up to the jurisdiction of the shipping terminals to decide what the process will be if a container arrives that does not have signed proof of the container’s weight from the shipper. The terminal will determine the process to weigh the containers and the weight addition onto the ships stowing plan. When the container is weighed at the shipping port loading area, the weight will be used for vessel stow planning.

Shipping stow plans are also required to have weights that are verified for every container onboard the ship. All commercial parties will be held responsible for the confirmed gross mass of the containers and the proportional distribution of costs involved.

If there is a difference between the weight of the container prior to the verification process, and post verification process, then it will be solved by using the post verified weight. The weight of a container as weighed at the port terminal will be used if there is a difference between weight of the container found at the terminal and the alleged weight of the container prior to its delivery to the terminal.

For more information on the new SOLAS shipping container weight verification requirements, visit WorldShipping.org.


5 Mailing System Machines That Work Magic for Business Mailrooms

mailing postage machinesRegardless of your relationship with your mailroom, whether you work in one or supervise one, you probably have an interest in ways to make it operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. Just as is the case with so many other areas of business life, technology has not left the mailing room behind.

In fact, in the past few years, the number of mailing machines that are designed and built to not only maximize, but expand the abilities of the mailroom have grown exponentially. Even those mailing machines that have existed for years have been redesigned to make them better than they ever were before. Here's a brief look at just a few of the newest mailing system machines.

Postage Meters

Postage meters have been around for years, so what more could you possibly do for them? The truth is that whatever advantages they give you in efficiency with your current workload, they can improve manifold. Today's mailing postage machines simplify outgoing mail processing to ensure that your mail is accurate and professional looking. Even more impressive is the fact that today's postage meters come in models that specialize in low-, medium-, and high-volume use.

postage mailing machines

Tabbers, Folders, and Labelers

If you are dreading your company's next newsletter mailing, you are not alone. Any mass mailing is a huge chore, but with the tabbers, folders, and labelers that are available today newsletters and other big mailing jobs are child's play. What in the past was a huge job of manual operation is now almost completely automated. In fact, in many cases, the only job an operator needs to do is to load the machine. From that point forward, the job is done.

tabber mailing machines

Automatic Letter Openers

Got incoming mail? Depending on the size of your business, the processing of incoming mail can be a huge laborious task. Fortunately, the whole process of opening letters, including checks, got a lot easier and less time consuming. Not only do automatic letter openers work with virtually any sized envelopes, but they perform the task with little or no waste and protect the valuable contents inside.

Addressing Systems

Using automated addressing systems in the past meant sacrificing print quality for speed, but today's machines can handle not only a wide variety of volumes, but the print quality that is achieved will no longer make your mass mailing look like it is.

Paper Shredders

Just as important as sending mail out of a business is making sure that certain documents never leave. Today's mailrooms are often tasked with the responsibility that confidential documents and other sensitive information are destroyed. That makes paper shredders a critical part of any mailroom operation.

Just as is the case with so many other mailing machines for sale, shredders work with any volume of work required, and deliver quality work on the jobs they are tasked with. Any document that doesn't need to be physically kept and/or stored can be reduced to any number of levels of pulp. Even better, these machines can run at high speeds without jamming.

3 Trusted Providers of OB/GYN Billing Services

OB/GYN practices involve a lot of billing-related hiccups to get paid (on time) for medical treatment and services provided. Sometimes insurance carriers can underpay an OB/GYN clinic for the services offered. In other cases, patients of the practice are slow to make medical billing payments on time.

The financial strength of one’s OB/GYN practice is directly linked to timely medical billing and reimbursement of accounts. It is essential for any provider of OB/GYN services to work with a professional billing company for quick follow ups and timely filings. However, OB/GYN practices that need to make a choice of a good billing company can find such a search an overwhelming task. Here is a compilation of the top three trusted providers of OB/GYN billing services.

1. Practice Management

Practice Management has been offering unmatched OB/GYN medical billing services since 1995. They have served a broad range of physicians and with reliable billing solutions to aid them to operate more efficiently and effectively. They are updated with revised and new CPT codes, E & M codes, and modifier codes and much more. They can also replace the non-payable or codes that have become obsolete with new ones.

Practice Management is equipped with highly educated and trained staff that is adept in offering a broad range of medical procedures such as pap tests, pregnancy and related complications, endometriosis, and complications related to vaginal mesh. What makes Practice Management unique is the use of advanced state-of-the-art technology. All their practices are geared towards improving revenue for OB/GYN clients as well as improving patient satisfaction. A combination of experienced staff with the trusted technological equipment places Practice Management ahead in OB/GYN practice. Moreover, Practice Management also provides credentialing and consultation services to physician billing clients.

2. Medical Practice Management Resource Incorporation (MPMR)

MPMR is another expert provider of OB/GYN billing services. Their state-of-the-art billing services have translated to excellent reporting and reliable client support services. Medical billing codes for obstetrics and gynecology are very complicated, and slight mistakes can cost someone thousands of dollars. Every single character in the code creates characters that appeared before it. This help in providing a unique code combination that shows the insurance companies the full description to ensure that they offer a standardized billing.

MPMR is equipped with competent staff that is rich in medical OB/GYN billing skills. They serve all clients whether new or old in OB/GYN billing field. Perhaps, they have helped a broad range of clients come out of the serious pitfalls in medical billing. They also have excellent customer support to aid one to get maximum revenue flow.

3. Dr. Billing Service, Inc.

Dr. Billing Service, Inc. has years of experience in providing excellent OB/GYN billing. They have been rated a five-star billing company due to the quality of services they provide. What makes Dr. Billing unique include the comprehensive OB/GYN billing services that they offer. The medical billing company offers a robust computer systems and software that are all designed for OB/GYN medical billing and collection. They also boast of their certified professional coders that work to ensure that clients get maximum reimbursement services. In their service line, they have also included AR and full electronic claims.

Dr. Billing makes everything out right by availing the necessary resources to ensure that clients get paid. Before setting out, they offer an initial evaluation. All the claims are submitted electronically hence reducing instances of fraud and errors. There are also detailed reports at the end of every month. It is their goal to ensure that clients get the highest returns on their claims while not sacrificing services on patients.


Walz Truck Scales: Weighing Systems Driven By Efficiency

Walz Scale is an industry leader in heavy-duty weigh scale systems and has been offering truck scales and weighing systems for about 50 years. The company's truck scale systems are widely used for large scale operations and heavy duty equipment. Walz Scale has continued to successfully evolve its products to meet the unique needs and rugged demands of its customers- all of these efforts have been driven by efficiency.

Walz Scale Truck Weighing SystemsFor instance, the company's in-motion truck scales have been taking many industries by storm. By offering a portable truck scales system that enables operators to weigh trucks and truck loads while passing over the scale unit at slow speeds, many companies are realized dramatic increases in throughput and efficiency.

In short, Walz in-motion scale systems allow weighing operations to unfold without any disruption or stoppages. For high-volume users, this can drastically increase the company's bottom line. There are many other benefits of this advanced truck scale system, some of which include:

  • Advanced in-motion weighing
  • Design and engineering to unique specifications
  • Works with both magnet and grapple attachments
  • Integrating software options
  • Ideal for rail and truck loading
  • Sophisticated data capture capabilities
  • North America's biggest support network

Other Truck Scale Features

The patented design of these material handling scale systems has been field tested and has proven its dependability and accuracy. No other scale on the currently on the market delivers such a high level of overload protection and accuracy as these systems offer.

These advanced scale systems have been designed for precise in-motion software assisted weighing amidst rugged industrial setting. This scale system is applicable to both magnet and grapple attachments, which makes it perfect for metal and scrap processors.

The weighing terminal of these scales is a screen (backlit LCD display), which makes it easy for user to read data during day or at night.

Mining Truck Scales

Mining Truck ScalesFor resource extraction operations and mining companies, weighing payloads is important to ensure profitability. Different types of mining truck scales are now used to ensure accuracy of payload and also help in streamlining payload management process.

Walz scale offers wide range of mining scales through its dedicated branch Walz mining. Let’s have a close look at some of the most popular scales offered by the company. All these systems are revolutionary and have catapulted the mining operations to the next level.

Underground Truck Scales

Underground truck scales are best for mining operations that are carried out underground. These scales can measure load weight while transferring material from the site to the stage of the process. These underground truck scales are integrated as onboard scales and can measure load while on the truck.

Articulated Truck Scales 

Miners interested in minimizing transportation cost and optimize efficiency can use these scales. These scales are integrated on articulated trucks that are used for specialized mining operations or for hauling load. They are often used to reduce the number of trips necessary to transfer materials and loads.

Haul Truck Scales

Walz is among few suppliers in the industry that offer the most functional and popular mining truck scales. Using haul truck scales, miners can weight loads while their truck is still in motion. In addition, these heavy duty truck scales are highly accurate and can be easily integrated with the company’s scale monitoring system for production management. Coupled with Walz Scale's payload management software, mining companies can realize a wealth of benefits and can further streamline their weighing operation.

portable truck scales Portable Truck Scales

Walz also offers portable truck scales that offers incredible benefits to wide range of users. They can be used anywhere and you can also buy software integrated scales to ensure maximum accuracy. Then there are portable truck axle scales, aluminum and steel portable truck scales and portable weighbridge truck scales. These scales are best for farmers, gravel, sand logging, mining and construction industry.

Need Truck Scales for Rent?

Walz also provides truck scales on rent. They also promise local online support and training programs. More information about Walz truck scales for sale can be found at WalzScale.com.


5 Leading Providers of Bank Security Systems

We all trust banks to keep our savings safe but barely do we consider how they achieve that feat. Like any other organization, the banking institution enlists security companies to protect their employees, customers, assets and cash in the coffers.

It is important that the companies chosen for this delicate job are professional and ethical as any security breaches could cause a major spat between the bank and its loyal customers. It is this demand that led us to analyze the leading companies that offer exemplary bank security systems and specialized security products.

Tyco Integrated Security

Tyco, which is based in the US prides itself with decades of experience in bank security products and systems. They have a variety of security systems, software and services that protect banks against different threats.

Most notable is the ATM security solutions that include silent alarm notification, video surveillance, lighting and anti-skimming technology which helps to increase confidence among customers who prefer self-service. They also have a range of remote management tools which allow management to receive alerts or conduct video surveillance on smart devices.

Veridin Systems

Two decades in the competitive bank security industry mean that this company has got what it takes to provide superior security to financial institutions. Their hallmark is their ability to integrate multiple components to provide the best security.

Veridin specializes in physical security systems characterized by advanced access control, CCTV bank security systems, network and electronic security systems that deter theft and vandalism not to mention convergence IT solutions that offer banks one graphical user interface as opposed to several individual systems that are very difficult to manage.

Seico Security

Seico Security is a company that most banks turn to for reliable bank security systems and equipment. Instead of creating standard systems, they prefer to customize products and services to meet an individual bank’s security needs.

Their most acclaimed security offerings include: audio and video systems, ATM security, entrance control systems, night depositories, drive-p systems and under counter cabinetry to name a few. Their custom security systems for local banks have unique features like motion sensors, door locking controls and metal detection for better prevention of security breaches.


This is a unique company which provides actionable intelligence for banks and financial institutions. Their main intention is to mitigate risk, ensure compliance, identify and combat fraud in the banking sector. Besides data protection, they offer round the clock video surveillance with timely alerts to ensure prompt reactions to any suspicious activity.


This company boasts a client list of some of the largest banks in the world. Their most important product is the powerful Graphical Management System software which allows remote, real-time control of ATMs, bank branches and corporate offices.

Using this systems, it is possible to verify alarm events, change PIN codes and print access cards without the need for site visits. They have a superior product known as Unison which is a next generation integrated security management platform optimized for ease of use. It enables banks to integrate different systems in order to streamline operations into one user interface.

Local Equipment Dealer Evolves Into Online Parts Leader

German-Bliss Equipment is a leading company that deals with a wide range of equipment and replacement parts. It is worth noting that German-Bliss Equipment has been in service for over 75 years and it fully understands what its client-base needs at any given time of the year.

If you live in central Illinois, you can access the company’s products and services and products in three locations: East Peoria, Springfield as well as Princeville. In these locations, you will be offered some of the most remarkable dealerships boasting a wide selection of equipment and replacement parts.

Purchase Hard-to-Find Replacement Parts

German-Bliss Equipment is one of the largest equipment dealers in the United States. Today, the company has grown on the web to follow-suit as one of the top online dealers of replacement parts, including hard to find parts for Bush Hog, Servis Rhino, Land Pride, and SnowEX, to name just a few. Below are we discuss a bit about some of these leading brands offered at the official website of German-Bliss Equipment.

Land Pride Parts

If you are looking for authentic or hard-to-find Land Pride parts, then German-Bliss Equipment is the best place for you. At online store of German-Bliss, you get access to a huge selection of Land Pride OEM parts and replacement mower blades for virtually every model. These replacement Land Pride parts range from lawn mower parts as well as components for each and every type of Land Pride mowers such as flail mowers, grooming mowers, finishing mowers and more.

Bush Hog Parts

You can also find Bush Hog parts and components online. German-Bliss provides you with all models of Bush Hog machines, including rotary cutters, finishing mowers, and flail mowers, among other options. Moreover, the company deals with replacement components, including rotary cutter blades and Bush Hog mower blades. These components are shipped quickly to ensure that you receive them on time.

SnowEX Parts

SnowEX spreader parts components can be a daunting process to find, especially if you do not know which sites deal with these parts. Some of the various replacement parts for SnowEx spreaders include V-box-in-bed Spreaders, tailgate spreaders and so on. However, with German-Bliss, you do not have to go through complicated procedures in order to have the product delivered to your location at an affordable price.

Servis Rhino Parts

German-Bliss has a wide range of Servis Rhino to chose from, including Rhino rotary mower, cutter parts, shredder parts, blades and more. Additionally, the site provides exceptional customer support as well as fast shipping, so as to save you a large amount of time and money.


The Short SEO Guide For eCommerce Startups

Many online merchants falsely believe that all they have to do to acquire search engine traffic is to simply list hundreds or thousands of products on their websites.

However, in all actuality, the process of optimized an eCommerce website for search engine optimization purposes to secure high rankings, is relatively harder than it is for a traditional blog or a squeeze page.

This is due to the fact that eCommerce sites have an abundance of product pages that are continuously shifting on and off their site as a result of product availability, such as taking down a page for a product that the merchant no longer sells for example. Therefore, you need to be more creative when it comes to formulating an eCommerce SEO strategy.

Implement A Product Reviews Section

Did you know that statistics demonstrate that 70% of online buyers search for reviews before they elect to utilize a product or service? What this entails as far as eCommerce SEO purposes go, is that if you fail to implement a product review system on your site, you are essentially missing out on the opportunity to acquire traffic from those specific search terms. Additionally, a reviews section can lead to user-generated content which keeps your product pages fresh and crawlable, which Google values for SEO.

For example, if your eCommerce store sells custom made iPhone cases, one keyword you could easily focus on by utilizing a product review system is "iPhone custom made cases reviews."

Focus On Long Tail Keywords (And Write A Detailed Product Description)

If you run a eCommerce store that sells handmade clothing, your targeted keywords for your eCommerce SEO strategy should not be short-tail phrases such as "handmade clothing." The reason being is that short tail keywords are significantly harder to rank than it is to rank for a long tail keyword such as "horror themed handmade shirts for sale" or "buy black and white handmade shirt online."

The point being is that you should focus on long tail keywords as opposed to short key phrases because you will be able to rank a page for the specific term significantly easier than the latter. This is where the implementation of a product description section comes in handy. Utilize it as a canvas to include some long tail keywords as well as to provide your visitors with some enticing information.

Don't Neglect Local Traffic

Did you know that big retail chains do local SEO as well? The concept of avoiding the possibility of adopting local SEO as a part of your entire eCommerce SEO strategy is a big mistake. In fact, people enjoy the concept of supporting locally owned businesses. Additionally, people are well aware of the fact that they will be able to receive a product that they purchased online from a locally based business, much faster than that of a mega corporation.

Create A Sitemap

A sitemap is essentially a list of all your web pages. Search engines utilize what's referred to as spiders, robots or crawlers to locate new pages on a website to index. They usually find these pages through links from other pages. If a sitemap is not identified during an initial audit of your eCommerce site, than you need to create on.

However, main pages that are only accessible by forms, connected to videos or flash content, are not seen by the programs that the search engine uses to index new pages. This is where a sitemap comes in. While they don't necessarily improve your rankings on its own, it provides a road map that robots can use to know what to rank in the first place.

Establish A Powerful Social Presence

One of the things you can do to increase the amount of traffic that your website gains is to leverage social media by establishing a strong social presence via the utilization of content marketing. Some of the benefits your store stands to gain by doing this, includes:
  • Customer research - You will be able to see what your target demographic cares about the most, their interests, as well as the conversations they have about the things that they like.
  • Customer Service - By establishing a social media presence, you will be able to quickly respond to your customer's inquiries.
  • Customer Acquisition - Your social media profile will essentially operate as a storefront that you can use to acquire more customers.
For more information on how to build the eCommerce SEO program for your startup, visit Click Centric SEO Company for a wealth of resources and services all focal to eCommerce SEO.


Seico Designs Security Systems for Banks, Businesses, Schools, & More

Seico Security has been in operation for the last four decades providing reliable security systems for banks, homes, schools, and businesses. Their unique approach in deployment of security systems has been one of the reasons why they have been in business since 1972.

Seico Security specializes in customized security systems for homes and businesses, in addition to helping all level of financial institutions create bank security systems and integrate the proper bank security products into existing systems.

The type of security systems you need depends on the type and the size of establishment and Seico Security has it all. Better still, their systems are technologically advanced. Seico Security offers comprehensive security systems for any type of an establishment.

Bank Security Systems & Product Solutions

Seico Security has brought technologically advanced ATM security systems, vaults, and various other solutions to both large financial institutions as well as local banks. With the realization that thieves are advancing their craft each day, Seico has engineered ATM systems that consists of hold-up and intrusion with the aim of protecting carriers. Besides, the ATM features a digital video security system.

They have designed affordable UL fire-rated bank vaults and a spectrum of vault doors and safes. Cameras come handy in bank security systems. They prevent identity theft. The license plate camera system from Seico Security captures the license number during frauds that include cars. They offer walk-up and drive-up depositories to further ensure safety in banks.

There are many more bank security systems offered by Seico Security which include under counter cabinetry, CCTV surveillance, bank safe deposit boxes and insulation for document cabinets among others.

Security Systems for Homes, Businesses and Schools

In addition to offering a wide spectrum of security system products for banks, the specialists as Seico provide advanced security needs for homes, businesses, schools, and other applications. Some of the types of security and surveillance systems that the company offers includes:

Access Control Systems 

The first place that home and business owners want to seal is the entrance. If the primary access ways are secure, the security of the business or home improves a big deal. Seico Security brings state of the art access control systems which include fingerprint scanners and key card readers among others.

There are lots of access control systems to choose from; you choose the one that fits the size of your establishment. The good thing is that the access control systems are linked to a central monitoring point. From this point, you can tell which entry is not closed and through which people are passing.

Security Monitoring & Surveillance Systems

The security and surveillance systems offered by Seico are tailored to meet the needs of clients. They offer 24/7 monitoring systems and link the monitoring systems with the alarms they install to ensure that your home, school or business is safe always.

There are lots of alarm systems offered but Seico Security's security and surveillance alarm systems are unique. The system alerts the authorities, the monitoring company and sends emails or text messages to the business or home owner.

Digital Surveillance Systems

You do not need to be within a close proximity to your business or home to monitor it. Seico Security offers computer-based, digital surveillance systems. These systems allow you to monitor the state of security in your home, school or business across the web or through intranet systems. You can also monitor the state of security on your smartphone.

Lastly, Seico Security offers the conventional CCTV surveillance. Though it is a traditional method, it helps you get a clear video of what is happening in your business, in school or at your home when you are not there.

For more information about the company, visit their Peoria/Pekin, Illinois address or contact them at:

Seico Security
132 Court Street
Pekin, IL 61554


Continuous Improvement Focal to Third Party Logistics Provider

United facilities, Inc. is third-party logistics and supply chain management company that is recognized for continuously implementing improvements to keep up with the ever changing demands of supply chain management (SCM). The company remains focal to continuous improvement to better meet the needs of customers and to continue the evolution of the way third party logistics and distribution business is conducted.

Below, experts of United Facilities provide insight as to the company's focus in continuous improvement (CI) and how this emphasis has helped the third party logistics provider grow and thrive for decades.

United Facilities on CI

Our ongoing efforts to improve products, services and processes are the continuous improvement that the company has dedicated itself in order to be the very best in supply chain management. Some the changes that have been made and some the changes that will be implemented are efforts that happen over longer periods of time and quicker breakthroughs that occur almost immediately.

United Facilities has been in business over 50 years and has over the duration of the lengthy process seen an enormous change during the time. The third party logistics provider has prided itself on the fact that it has always been able to make positive changes by being able to identity issues and address them appropriately.

Horizontal Integration of CI for Logistics & Distribution

The third-party logistics company has put the CI mindset into practice and this has enabled United Facilities to focus on solving long term issues better than before. By adopting the CI principles of identify, analyze, measure, improve, and evaluate, United Facilities has increased customer profits and helped improve the company’s own objectives and goals.

By implementing CI in each and every facility of ours we have been able to help change the thinking processes and culture by which even our hourly employees adhere. Throughout the structural blueprint of the company, from bottom to top, each and every employee and their attitudes have changed for the better as has the efficiency of our operations.

The fact that we have been recognized as the CI “champions of the year” by a Fortune 100 company who also happens to be one of our largest customers is a measure and evidence of the success we have enjoyed in improving our business functions to meet our customers’ needs.

The company who has recognized our efforts did so after we saved their company over 2.1 million dollars in just a one year period. This is just one of the many reasons why our company has stood out among U.S.-based third party logistics providers.

A Model Among Third Party Logistics Providers

United Facilities knows by its own experience that by maximizing the performance of a supply chain, your businesses’ performance is what is really maximized in the long run and end result.

As a reputable third party logistics provider in the U.S., our company offers the services, teams, and systems necessary to meet all your packaging needs as your business demands as you do your best to keep your business evolving and moving forward.

From LEAN packaging services and warehousing to finished and inbound goods, we at United Facilities are equipped and ready to see that you can be as ready as we are to meet your needs as you should be to meet the needs of your own customers. Attention to detail and accuracy are key priorities that our team is always focused on in improving supply chain management.

The logistics management services we provide and serve for many Fortune 100 companies in regional distribution centers is customary to those in the automotive sectors and consumer goods industries. United Facilities has been around for a long time and will be around much longer and all the while the constant improvements will continue to develop as we strive to maximize supply chain management even further.

No matter the business, no matter the product, United Facilities has the systems and solutions you need to maximize the performance of your supply chain - and your business.


How Walz Label and Mailing Systems Stimulates Business Growth & Automation

The mailing systems and software solutions of Walz Label and Mailing Systems can be a significant competitive advantage for your business, helping to ensure timely and accurate delivery and arrival of your company's shipments. A key advantage of Walz mailing system solutions is that the company provides professional insights and consults to help you leverage the right technology and in the right manner.

Walz Label and Mailing Systems is a supplier that has planned, produced, and introduced Multi-Carrier Shipping Systems in many areas all through the world including the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, and Dubai. With local roots, Walz has the global reach to support some of the industry's most advanced mailing systems.

A Mission Centered on Customer Support

The products and solutions offered by Walz are processed right away for all customers. They offer tech support such as on-site service plus maintenance, time and material which is also an on-site service, FOB warranties and free phone tech support.

When you get in touch with Walz the service manager will create a work order that will track you call about their solutions. The service team of this company will more likely be able to trouble shot your problems over the phone and this just may result in your business time and money. A product specialist will be sent to your location if they can't solve the problem over the phone.

If their tech personnel will be late you as the customer will be contacted and notified. The technician normally gets the work orders via their tablets and is able to access the details about the equipment history and the customer's info to ensure they are properly prepared for the call.

Every one of the specialist are equipped with parts from inventory that are used for common repairs. There are times when there is a requirement for emergency parts and they will be shipped no later than the following day to their closest depot. In the event they are not able to repair your hardware, Walz will lend you a replacement when accessible to keep your association from encountering inordinate downtime.

Helping Business Automate, Thrive, & Grow

There are times however when a loaner can't be given and a substitution postage meter supplies must be requested. When these examples happen, they generally offer for your association to run your mail at our office through their showing gear and live postage meter. They even offer personalized support administration for disgruntled clients.

Walz offers establishment and preparation for each item they offer, even little home office items that can be sent specifically to the client. For most other frameworks, the company never delivers specifically to the client. These frameworks are dispatched to the workplaces, where they are assessed, un-stuffed and tried before plans are made for an establishment date and time.

Walz offers preparation for new administrators, and the same for existing administrators. Walz needs your association to augment the estimation of ventures by seeing the highlights of majority and usefulness of accessible.

The best part of this company is that items are sponsored by aggregate fulfillment. In the event that you are not content with the item or administration we will supplant it instantly. The greater part of Walz is straightforward, with no concealed expenses or charges. Some of the better parts of our field item authorities are the production line. All Walz clients get a four hour 'on location reaction time' and 24 hour ensured administration.

Learn more about the business by contacting them or visiting their address location at:

Walz Mailing & Mailing Systems
624 High Point Ln
East Peoria, IL 61611
Phone: 877-971-1500


Volumetric Scanner System Takes Truck Load Measurement to the Next Level

For industrial and agricultural businesses looking for the more efficient and advanced way to measure truck loads, the new volumetric scanner system from Walz Scale offers a new and powerful solution for many different businesses.

Delivery the perfect blend of simplicity, accuracy and efficiency, the Walz Load Scanner (WLS) is 3D volume scanning system that uses laser technology to scan truck loads. These easy-to-generate load scans can be converted into weight metrics for all types of uses.

What Exactly Is The Walz Load Scanner?

The WLS truck load scanner gives precise volumetric load calculations on truck loads which are converted into weight metrics. The truck has to be open at the top while the scanner’s head is directly below it. This system enhances safety when it comes to weight distribution in the trucks. In addition, it can also be used for external weighing systems.

How Does The Truck Load Scanner Work

The system’s operation is based on patent pending algorithms and laser technology which enables it to give best results in management of truck loads without making any contact. This makes it suitable for industries which transport huge volumes of bulk materials.
Walz Truck Load Scanner on YouTube

During operation, WLS truck load scanner system compares empty scans of vehicles to their respective loaded scans. To make the process fully automatic, vehicles are usually fitted with RFID tags. Usually, vehicles should not exceed 3.5 mph while driving under the scanner but the system can offer high speed scans.

Why So Many Businesses Opt for the WLS

The WLS is becoming highly popular in many different industries. In fact, many businesses that depend on heavy-duty truck scales are now opting for the truck load scanner as a better solution. Here's why:

Very affordable

Unlike other payload management systems, such as heavy duty weigh bridges and portable truck scales, WLS is very affordable. Installation cost is usually half of what is spent in installing fixed weigh bridges. Furthermore, the system is simple, efficient and very organized. With WLS you don’t have to worry about major maintenance procedures such as recalibration.

Highly durability and flexibility

This truck load scanner is designed and manufactured under the supervision of highly skilled personnel. Its materials are of high quality hence it can serve for many years in hostile production environments such as mining and construction.

Generates precise calculations

Don’t expect any estimations while using WLS. The technology in this scanner ensures that payload measurements and data are reliable and accurate at all times. It eliminates any errors brought about by moisture content, compaction and load variation.

Optimized efficiency and throughput

Walz Load Scanner system can be installed and start operating on the same day. Its technology enables it to make calculations in a matter of seconds and this data can be accessed in real time using advanced software systems. It is also compatible with mobile devices such as tablets and iPads.

Always reliable and dependable

Some load scanners will require calibration and maintenance after a period of time. If such operations are not carried out, such scanners give room for more errors. However, with WLS, you can use it for years without servicing or re-calibration. In addition, it ensures that the output remain consistent for long years of operation. This makes it the ideal scanner when dealing with large volumes of materials in harsh conditions.

The Walz Load Scanner is the best for tracking production flow without any interruption. This increases the overall efficiency and output of the industry. For more information, visit LoadScanner.com, the official website of the Walz Load Scanner system.