
Portable Weigh Scale Solutions by Payload Pros

Payload Pros has become a juggernaut in the development of effective and efficient portable weigh scales. These portable weighing systems for trucks and heavy-duty vehicles have significantly helped operators cut down the costs while maximizing efficiency and throughput in their weighing operations.

There are many different types of portable truck scales and weighing systems from Payload Pros, spanning from in-motion axle scales to portable wheel weighers. Some of these systems have played pivotal roles in helping companies revolutionize their internal weighing operations. The following are some of the various portable weigh scale solutions offered by Payload Pros.

Wheel Weighers

There are several models of these portable wheel weighers, such as the HDAW-Series and AW-Series wheel weighers. They are multi-functional portable weigh scales and thus very efficient. These scales substitute the use of heavy-machinery, like weighbridges, since they allow for seamless on-site installation. This enables individuals and companies to cut down on set-up cost, labor, and overhead.

Portable wheel weighers are cost effective (both affordable to buy and maintain,) as well as reliable and effective scales for virtually all operations. The standard duty scales enables drivers to negotiate safely thus enabling them to have adequate and simple loading and off-loading of loads during industrial processing or payload distribution. Most wheel weigher scales are compact and convenient for various industries. In short, these scales allow for simple and effective services for all weighing electronics since it is located onsite.

Portable Axle Scales 

Portable axle scales from Payload Pros are specifically designed for heavy-duty applications that demand versatility and mobility in the scale unit. They are highly versatile, affordable, moveable, and accurate thus offering firms with the convenience that they deserve during the production process. Portable axle scale systems preferred by a majority of mining companies and farmers, as they offer a number of options, including in-motion weighing.

These scales are specifically used in various atmospheres and weighing sites. Payload Pros portable weigh scales are designed to handle harsh conditions and the worst environments, spanning from rain to mud. And with the advent of the new in-motion axle scales from Payload Pros, many users are realizing greater efficiencies without having to come to a complete stop on the scale's weigh pads to calculate measurements.

Portable Scale Rentals

The company also offers portable scale rentals, thus helping companies leverage one of these scales for short-term use. Because these pieces of machinery and equipment are very expensive, renting is far cheaper solution for companies needing portable truck scales or wheel weighers on limited time basis. Like other scales, these portable scale rentals are equally as accurate and can be installed with other Payload Pros products and weighing systems.

Instead of buying an expensive portable axle scale that may cost several thousands of dollars, portable scales for rent are a sound solution of many different companies. Payload Pros works in conjunction with Walz Scale to provide a number or truck scale rental options. You can learn more about the various truck scale rentals at WalzScale.com.

These advanced portable truck scales from Payload Pros helps manage the weighing and analysis of truck loads, delivering the most accurate calculations. Leverage this advanced technology for your business to accelerate throughput and operational efficiency.


Effective Medical Billing Strategies to Increase Healthcare Reimbursements

It is an undisputed fact that the healthcare reimbursement system (as it is) can be described as brutal. The present set of processes and rules that some payers and insurance companies have put in place are not only complex but also confusing. This leads to the emergence of other problems like underpayments, denials, ignored or at times lost claims.

This has hugely contributed to issues when it comes to paying doctors in time as well as medical practices getting the revenue they generate in full.

This begs for there being in place effective strategies and insights that will help medical practitioners and health centers to improve their patient billing processes. This will help them generate more revenue as well as increase their healthcare reimbursements.

Use of Technology

Whenever a medical practice realizes that a claim is not paid for when they submit the claim for the first time, they should brace themselves that it will not be paid. In order to escape losing out on claims like this, the practice has to find ways that will help it establish potential denials before even submitting their claims. Medical practices could be able to achieve this feat by incorporating software in their systems that is capable of identifying claims with a high probability of being denied automatically.

This billing software utilizes an engine that is intelligent and one that adapts and updates itself constantly thus helping practices to stay informed and alert about denial trends that are latest in as far as claims are concerned. This will greatly improve the rates at which practices collect their revenue. This software is generally able to help the practices improve on the speed at which they collect, decrease the need of having in-house staff as well as increase first pass resolution rates.

Tackling Underpayments

Payer underpayments are another issue that keeps medical practices from collecting their full amounts of revenue. This is largely due to the different individual contracts doctors often enter into with different payers. Underpayments are far too common in situations for health center billing, specifically federally qualified health center billing (FQHC billing), as these community health centers are focal to serving low income patients who utilized Medicare and Medicaid.

This is the key reason why medical practices receive different amount of monies from the different payers. This makes it hard for the practice to keep track of the payments and hence making it even harder for them to realize when they are being underpaid.

It is for this reason that practices ought to turn to using medical billing software that is able to compare the payments it is receiving against the figures agreed to in the contracts automatically. This will largely cut short the number of payer underpayments scenarios. It will also increase the net collection rates, increase organization and efficiency of the practice and make it possible for the practice to forecast its collections in future.


In order for a medical practice to realize its position as far as payer payments and collection rates are and the areas that need an improvement, reporting ought to be embraced. This can be done with software that is capable of allowing scheduled reports on the practice to be done at defined intervals.

This will give the practice the opportunity to have certain reports in an instant whenever it is needed. These reports make decision making easier, increase productivity (as it reduces staff requirements and make it easier to spot payer underpayments and other mistakes.

All the above solutions will ensure that your practice is able to collect more revenue thereby turning them into more revenue generating practices. They will also ensure that the practice increases its healthcare reimbursements. It also makes the collection of monies owed to the practice easy, fast and efficient.

For more quality information on how medical practices and health centers can improve healthcare reimbursements, visit MaximizedRevenue.com


How to Cultivate a Prominent Chiropractic Practice In Your Local Community

The chiropractic profession is being taken-up by more and more practitioners every year. This makes it challenging for chiropractors to establish a prominent and authoritative reputation in their local communities.

To set your chiropractic practice apart from other practitioners in your community, you need to use more creative and hands-on marketing strategies that go beyond conventional advertising and branding. Below we share a few unique tips on how to cultivate a prominent chiropractic practice in your local community.

1. Participate in Health-Oriented Community Events

This is a particular chiropractic marketing strategy that does not normally get implemented by most professionals. However, this approach is highly effective when it comes to creating awareness, attracting more people to one's chiropractic practice and creating a positive image in the community. The following strategies can be used to market a chiropractic practice in the community without directly advertising to potential patients.

Volunteering for non-profitable organizations

There are few better ways that can help to create a positive image about a chiropractor in the community than putting effort in non-profit organizations. When you get involved in ventures that do not pay in return, as a chiropractor, you demonstrate to the community your sincere interest in the well-being of individuals. Volunteering in any way that you can is a great way to make your presence known and meet new people.

Get involved in community groups

As a community’s population grows, health becomes a great concern. Giving free talks to the community about such matters is a smart way of promoting a practice. Providing chiropractic care information to residents of a community is another great way of promoting a practice.

A great example is Dr. Timothy Bly of Bloomington, Illinois. Dr. Bly often participates in community events and gives lectures on specific aspects of chiropractic and the emerging technologies that are changing the level of care.

Contribute to community publications by writing articles

Many towns and cities have newspapers and publications that need content. Full time writers are expensive to hire. A chiropractor can take a column in the newspaper and publish monthly articles about health care and its relationship to chiropractic in the area. You can also take a digital approach by doing guest blogging or writing for other locally-oriented online publications about various aspects of chiropractic.

2. Work Together With Other Holistic Health Practitioners

This goes without say, making your practices better known, unique, and prominent in your local community can be achieved by working closely with the more holistic health practitioners. Whether adopting new practitioners in-house, or connecting with professionals on a referral basis, there are a number of medical and health related practices that supplement chiropractic. These may include massage therapists, acupuncturists, physical therapists, and other related health practitioners.

A good example is Dr. Mik Hamilton, a chiropractor in Berkeley, CA who has recently integrated an acupuncturists in his office. Not only has this integration resulted in a greater, more comprehensive level of care being offered at Dr. Mik Hamilton's Berkeley chiropractic office, but acupuncture patients might be more inclined to work with the Berkeley chiropractor for spinal treatment (in which they otherwise may have overlooked.)

3. Focus On Helping Athletes, Older Adults, & Certain Groups

It is evident that athletes and specialized groups encounter all types of pain. In fact, 75% of golf players utilize chiropractic care. You can take advantage to promote chiropractic practice by working with such people. With such groups, you are guaranteed to find an audience and people to talk to.

To be precise, let’s look at triathletes. They need to maintain or improve their spinal functionality and mobility to perform at optimal levels. This if often hinges on ensuring proper balance and spinal biomechanics. Following this line of thought, we come to rest at the fact that a triathlete often need specialized spinal care from chiropractic. In a large metropolitan area, there's no reason why a chiropractor couldn't specialize his or her practice around helping these individuals become better triathletes.

You can market the practice very easily if you deal with athletes. The spinal cord gets dislocated due to structural imbalance, poor posture mobility restrictions and it is prone to injuries when the anterior pelvic tilts excess. These are very common and easy-to-occur experiences with athletes due to their activeness. Working with them will be advantageous.

In addition, the special groups like the amputated and mentally ill people. It is good market working with them since they have less balance to maintain their spinal cord in shape. Also, the mentally ill are likely to unconsciously hurt their spine. They need close services of a chiropractor.


5 Business Strategies to Make Your Surgery Practice More Successful

As a surgeon, you do not undergo business training during your time in medical school but you need it for a successful private practice.

Most surgeons and medical professionals have learned business strategies the hard way through an “on-job” sort of training. Below are five business strategies that will when implemented will make your surgery practice more successful.

1. Optimize your website 

With the ever-changing technology, everyone seems to turn to search engines when looking for information about products and services. There is no better way of getting the attention of people who may be looking for your services than through SEO for surgeons. Apart from listing your services and location on the website, you can come up with a blogging series.

Consider crafting a themed series that targets your client’s needs and provide them with an exclusive proposition. The information on your blog posts will give the visitors confidence in your services as well as build you image and brand.

2. Develop video content

Over the years, use of video content has massively gained popularity though it is not used by many organizations. Good and quality videos will help give your target clients a better insight of your services and the persona of your business.

In the videos, you can include tours of your facility to show clients your team of employees as well as the technology you use. You can also have interactive webinars with past clients to ask about their progress or with potential customers to answer their questions. Including the videos on your site will enhance search engine ranking and put out your business to more customers.

3. Embrace different social media platforms

Most internet users belong to at least one social media platform, the most common ones being Facebook and Twitter. It is advisable that you create a profile for your business in each of these platforms and engage your followers in discussions about your services. You can also create campaigns and give rewards to winners. You may decide to give a free service to whoever wins; such campaigns will get more people asking about your services.

You should also consider joining LinkedIn where you can join groups to get ideas of how you can improve your brand. It also gives you the opportunity to market your services to potential clients by contributing in discussions. Lastly, check out the emerging social media platform Google+. Between the four latter mentioned social networking sites, not only can you expand the visibility of your surgery practice, but these social media platforms have been proven to help support SEO strategies for surgeons and other business professionals.

4. Be patient-centered

At the end of the day, it is your patients who determine how successful your business becomes. If they give other people a positive feedback regarding your services you will get more clients.

Always help the patient go through what to expect from the procedure, its risks, and after-care. Do not just clear a patient for a surgery just because you need the money. After a surgery always ensure to follow up with your patients and find out how they are fairing.

5. Improve surgery billing process with patients

At the end of the day it is every business’s goal to make revenues. You therefore need to have a clear understanding of your revenue cycle. You staff should play a big role and ensure that billing starts immediately a patient makes a booking through to the time they are treated and discharged.

As surgery billing best practices, always ensure that the data obtained from patients is accurate so you are easily able to follow up on issues such as insurance and demographics. For maximum revenue it is critical that all charges are reconciled and above all make it a point to share your billing policies with clients.

Branding is critical in setting the tone on how your community and patients perceive your services. Using these five strategies will get your business rolling towards success.


The Importance of Network Security & Support for Small Businesses

Network security and support should be one of the highest priorities for any organization, even small businesses. Technology drives most day-to-day business operations, and a company's computer network is an asset that need proper support, ongoing monitoring, and a high-level of security. Below we delve into why all small businesses need some level of network security and support to help protect their company's digital assets.

What is Network Security?

A network is a large system of interconnected computers. The whole point of a network is to make it possible for people to access remote areas without physically having to be present there. Even for smaller networks, it is very important that important information be kept safe from any outside agents. This is where computer network security comes into play. It is an essential tool to protect your company’s information and data.

Why Do Small Businesses Need Network Security?

In today’s digital age, the threat from hackers and cyber criminals is a pressing concern. It is the duty of small organizations to ensure that the data of their employees and clients are protected in the best possible manner. In fact there are a number of laws that make it compulsory for businesses to have adequate network security measures.

Most businesses have financial and personal information of clients and employees. Hence it is vital that a good security system be in place, at least one with basic firewalls and anti-virus protection. Consulting with a professional computer network security company is a good way determine your needs and get a sound protocol established.

What are the problems that can arise from inadequate network security?

There are a number of problems that can arise if your sensitive data falls into the wrong hands:

a. Confidentiality Breach: There is definitely certain information that a company would like to keep out of their competitor’s reach. Improper security makes it easier for criminals to access this.
b. Data Destruction: Sometimes important data could be destroyed and this can have repercussions on your company’s operations.
c. Data Manipulation: It will be possible for hackers to manipulate data without you even realizing that anything has been changed.
d. Phishing: Many hackers will use phishing techniques to gather personal information about your employees and clients. This can enable them to break into their bank accounts or use their credit card numbers.

How to Protect Your Business?

There are many measures that can be taken to improve your company security.

Strong passwords and reliable anti-virus software are an absolute must. It would also be good to enable firewalls to enhance security. Make sure that mail attachments are opened only when there is a reliable source. The business network and IT support team should periodically monitor access to networks, memory sticks and other plug-in devices.

The following four-step program is essential for good network security:

a. Secure: Make sure all your data is protected with adequate authentication.
b. Examine: Constantly monitor these safeguards to ensure that there is no breach.
c. Test: Keep random tests to gauge the vulnerability of your system.
d. Enhance: Take the necessary action whenever there is a need to improve security.

Another important feature is to have a support system in place if there are any security breaches. After all you need to be in control, even if your system responds in a peculiar way that you cannot quite understand. Having adequate support ensures that you can handle any situation in the best possible manner.


What Separates Walz Scale from Other Truck Scale Suppliers

There is a reason why many professionals and businesses prefer Walz Scale's truck scales and advanced weighing system over the many other options available in the market. Walz Scale products offer incredible advantages for a wide range of industry applications, and they often come with an array of features to help streamline weighing processes and data analysis.

The exceptional quality standards set by this Walz Scale are hard to find anywhere else. Considering the fact that everyone is looking for optimum performance and efficiency, it is important to always know exactly the type of scale to meet your needs. There are several features that set this particular truck scale supplier apart from the others. Here are some of the most important aspects to consider.

Wide spectrum of truck scales and weighing systems

Definitely, there is a wide variety of situations that you would want to use the portable scales in. There are also many types of trucks that you want to weigh. Because of this, it can only be good if you find a chance to choose what specifically suits you.

What many people do not know is that what might be good for one user may not even be close to what others want. Although there are scales that can be used i multiple situations, reliable studies have always shown that the best results can only be achieved if you use something that has been specifically tailored for your needs.

Lightweight yet highly durable truck scales

Portable truck scales from Walz are majorly made from aluminum. Because of this, they are very light and so, easily portable. Even though people want something that has many features and which is strong, there is no doubt that they also wants that which they can easily carry from one workstation to another.

What makes it even better is that even though they are lightweight, they last longer than any other scale. It is because they have been made by incorporating high quality components. This way, you can be sure to save money because you do not have to keep buying a new one every now and then.

Software-integrated, custom-configured weighing solutions

Walz Scale systems comes readily installed with amazing software that you need so as to make your work easier. Once you have bought them, you do not need to worry about modifying them or installing any other thing. If you have ever used this equipment, you definitely know how important it is to have the right software.

One of the biggest problems with scales that do not use any software is that they may not only be difficult to use but they also may not show accurate results. This can greatly mislead you and affect your work.

Another reason why Walz truck scales stand out from the rest is the fact that they are able to custom-configure to meet the specifications of every client. May be, you needs are quite different from what everyone is looking for. In such a situation, you can only enjoy using the equipment if you can alter them to fit your situation. The ease with which you can do this is also amazing.

As you can see, the benefits of using these truck scales are almost endless. What you need to do is to identify what you really need and go for it.


New & Used Lawn Mowers & Repair Service in Central Illinois

Princeville. East Peoria. Springfield. These are the cities where you can find central Illinois's leader in new and used lawn mowers as well as landscaping, agriculture, and construction equipment. That company is German Bliss. And at most of these locations, customers can use repair service on an array of make and model mowers, including zero turn mowers.

German Bliss has been the place to go for lawn mower repair services and new and used product sales for 75 years. The three locations – Princeville, East Peoria, and Springfield – make German Bliss the accessible leader for new and used lawn mower sales and service.

Your Illinois Dealer for Tractors & Landscaping Equipment

In need of landscaping equipment? German Bliss has a wide selection of the top-line Kubota compact tractors and mini-excavators that are the choice of landscapers and estate owners. From utility vehicles to zero turn mowers, German Bliss can supply the equipment needs for any landscaping project planned or underway.

Large capacity mowing equipment is not the sum of gear offered to tackle any landscaping needs. German Bliss has Stihl chainsaws and Kinze planters, as well as trimmers and blowers. They offer a wide array of equipment, from auger wagons to Bush hog mowers and Landpride mowers. Gem Electric vehicles and more can all be found at the Princeville location.

An Extensive Supply of Lawn Mowers for Sale

Whether looking for a new lawn mower or a high-quality used machine, German Bliss has a large line up of mowers from which to choose just the right piece of equipment to fit the needs of any project. German Bliss keeps a huge stock on hand, so if it's Stihl hand-held power equipment or the lawn mower simply needs a few new parts, there is online purchasing offered for customer convenience.

German Bliss can ship parts straight to any home or business. Customers can browse through the inventory of new and pre-owned items online. The user friendly website lets customers search for just the right part, place an order, and it will be shipped right away.

German Bliss is proud to be central Illinois' authorized dealers for Kubota tractors, Toro power equipment, and Stihl. As an authorized dealer, German Bliss can offer Gehl's light construction equipment and Honda's power equipment directly to its customers. The company is also pleased to serve its customers as an authorized dealer for Landpride, Bush Hog, and others. The factory trained technicians of German Bliss are ready to offer quick and competent service, parts, rentals, and new and used equipment sales and service. German Bliss will proudly service all customers, from homeowners to farmers to large commercial clients

Trusted Equipment Repair & Maintenance Services

To maintain the investment made in lawn equipment, look for seasonal repair special promotions for the required seasonal check-up on all equipment. German Bliss has a fully stocked parts department that can turn work around fast, so there's little waiting time on equipment repairs.

From Land Pride zero-turns to Bush Hog mower parts, and from hand-held Stihl power equipment to skid steer loaders and track loaders, German Bliss has it all. Check out the large inventory of new equipment and pre-owned inventory. German Bliss is the regional headquarters for SnowEx Spreaders, whether for commercial or home use. There is also an industry exclusive 5-year extended warranty program through FAIL-SAFE available.

German Bliss in Princeville, East Peoria, and Springfield. The only place needed for all things lawn related. When in central Illinois, look the company up for all lawn mower needs. Or visit online at GermanBliss.com.

Visit or contact the central Illinois business at one of the following three address locations:

East Peoria

German Bliss-Equipment 215 Fairlane Dr East Peoria IL 61611 Phone: 309-694-3700


German Bliss-Equipment 624 W. Spring St Princeville IL 61559 Phone: 309-385-4316


German Bliss-Equipment 4151 W. Jefferson St Springfield IL 62707 Phone: 217-546-2286

Or if you're in need of replacement parts, German Bliss also has its very one online parts store where you can find a huge inventory of parts and components on a number of name brand mowers and landscaping equipment. Visit store.germanbliss.com to learn more.


Practice Management Now Offers Medical Billing Services for OB/GYN Clinics

The highly reputable medical billing agency, Practice Management, is exciting to announce that it will now be offering specialized billing services for OB/GYN Clinics. The company provides efficient physician billing services that help clinics to accurately bill their customers while staying compliant with all Local, State and Federal rules and regulations.

These systems are well designed by highly knowledgeable professionals, so they are ideally suited to the billing needs of the average OB/GYN clinic. Practice Management has many years of experience and they are dedicated to providing the best possible medical billing services for their client.

In addition to providing billing services for OB/GYN practices, they also have experience providing billing services to dermatology clinics, family practices, electrophysiology clinics, cardiology clinics, allergy billing, gastroenterology billing, surgery billing, health center billing and much more.

What Do the OB/GYN Billing Services Entail?

The OB/GYN billing services offered by Practice Management are designed with the best technology resources on the forefront of medical billing. These services include telephone and video conferences, electronic data transmission and web portal access to programs. This means that an OB/GYN practice will be able to remotely access its data so that it can perform all billing as seamlessly and efficiently as possible.

Practice Management strives to stay up to date on billing information, including new modifier codes, CPT codes and E&M codes. The billing services are able to provide for a number of medical procedures, including Pap Tests, Pregnancy treatments, endometriosis and complications of vaginal mesh.

These billing services have been custom developed with an OB/GYN practice in mind, so that they can provide the most advantageous features and the highest level of convenience. Any OB/GYN clinic will find these billing services very convenient and will enjoy the benefits of saving time and being more organized.

Value Offered to OB/GYN Clinics

By using the medical billing services offered by Practice Management, OB/GYN clinics will be able to operate their practice more effectively and efficiently. The system also allows for follow up billing services, so that clinics can improve their revenue cycle management.

Proper credentialing is very important for receiving accurate reimbursement. The Practice Management system offers Complete Credentialing Service and handles NPI and CAQH updates and applications. They are able to track the progress of each enrolment through completion.

Practice Management also offers a lot of value by providing their clients with individualized consultation services upon request. The talented consultant team is able to take a close look at the current operations of the clinic and provide an analysis. They will recommend changes you can make that will ensure your billing system is more efficient.

The goal of Practice Management is to provide each of their customers with the best possible OB/GYN billing solutions. They invest their ample resources and experience in order to achieve this goal, so that they can help their clients obtain the highest possible return on their medical billing claims. They have worked hard to develop a medical billing system that is as efficient, intelligent, versatile and accurate as possible and they are proud to offer this service to OB/GYN clinics.


The Business Behind Starting a Medical Practice

The prospect of establishing a health and medical practice business model can be brightened or dimmed by the nature of the market, the ingenuity of the entrepreneur, levels of capitalization, and other commercial dynamics. Renowned entrepreneurs in the health and medical fields achieved their successes on account of their exceptional strategies born out of their devotion to offer quality health services at a profit.

One of the most important factors to consider before starting a health and medical practice is the type of services to be offered. Experts in healthcare entrepreneurship usually begin by considering the range of services in order to determine the level of capitalization required. Moreover, drawing such limits helps in deciding the amount of space required and the type of equipment to be purchased. At the onset, the entrepreneur should enlist professional help in designing workflow processes.

Keeping Patients' Records Organized & Accessible

Record keeping is a core process in healthcare entrepreneurship. Inappropriate handling of patients' information can compromise the quality of service and expose both the patients and the institutions to significant inconveniences. The records may include information on the dates of admission, discharge, type of care, demographic identities of the patients, and other details that appertain to their needs.

Such information is necessary for future references or for making referrals, as some situations might require. It is advisable for healthcare entrepreneurs to hire experienced professionals to lay grounds and undertake the process of record keeping.

Medical Billing Solutions: Challenges and Options

In the opinion of many experts, medical billing remains one of the most challenging processes in healthcare institutions. The challenge is common to both established and new institutions, but new units are more likely to encounter the severest kinds of billing problems. Delays and human errors are some of the most common billing problems that afflict newly established medical businesses.

In times of an influx of patients, many healthcare and medical institutions encounter problems of billing the patients in a timely manner. Because of this shortcoming, some institutions have chosen the alternative to outsource medical billing services to a professional provider. Established outsourcing firms rely on automated billing solutions that lower the levels of susceptibility of the system to errors. Also, many medical billing providers specialize in certain forms of billing for specialized practices. For instance, a surgical practice should seek a company with expertise in surgery billing, while a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) can find firm that specializes in FQHC medical billing solutions

Accounting & Financial Upkeep

Primarily, a health and medical enterprise is established with the objective of making profits. As such, the accounting processes of the business should be managed with utmost professionalism in order to show the financial health of the institution, from the moment of capitalization to subsequent business processes.

The role of accountancy within the firm should be conducted in accordance with applicable international standards regarding the treatment of operational expenses, cash flow, profits and losses, revenues, and all other financial processes within the firm. The institution's ledgers, cash book, and other important records must be updated with professional discipline.

Marketing & Reputation Management

Once a health and medical institution is established for commerce, it becomes necessary for the managers to employ the most effective marketing strategies that can guarantee a competitive edge and elevate its reputation. Like any other field of business, commercial healthcare is highly competitive as investors continue to invent result-oriented marketing approaches.

In order to enhance the chances of success, it is advisable for the management to rely on a combination of conventional and modern marketing strategies. Surveys have shown that conventional marketing processes such as print and electronic advertisements can enhance the market reception of a new business venture when combined with modern marketing strategies such as social networking and content marketing.


A Role Model Among Warehousing & 3PL Providers Nationwide

Advanced third-party logistics (3PL) is buzzword in the warehousing and transport industry. However, not all self-proclaimed 3PL providers are as advanced as they set out to be.

One Illinois-based logistics and distribution company is setting the standard in advanced 3PL by re-defining what constitutes total supply chain solutions. From packaging and transport to warehousing and order fulfillment, United Facilities has grown over the decades to be recognized as an industry role model among warehousing and 3PL providers nationwide.

Expanding from its local roots in central Illinois, United Facilities owns and operates 12 strategically placed distribution centers spanning from California to Florida. But its widespread network is not all that makes this truly advanced 3PL so powerful. Below we capture the essence of what makes United Facilities a leading logistics and supply chain management company.

Warehousing and Fulfillment Expertise

The tailor-made warehousing solutions of United Facilities involve the management, oversight, and operation of customized warehouses aimed to enhance clients' bottom line. Irrespective of whether you use your team or ours, the in-house experts provide frequent assistance to facilitate increased fill rates, excellent inventory management and proper utilization of resources.

United Facilities provides a wide range of services including: food and garbage storage, online inventory tracking, performance management, quality control inspections, purchasing and customer service administration and many others.

Packaging Services

One thing that pops up often when talking about packaging is effective utilization of resources. First off, United Facilites' effective utilization of LEAN production is specifically designed for individual customers' needs. Co-locating package/assembly needs with storage is key to saving a business time and money. This is irrespective of whether United Facilites works in clients physical location(s).

Furthermore, United Facilities' outstanding and proven record speaks for itself. The wide range of packaging services offered by the advanced 3PL provider include (although not limited to): packaging and shrink wrapping, product assembly, repackaging and re-conditioning, kitting, multi-parks, custom pick and pack, and performance measurement.

Advanced Information Technology (IT)

United Facilities is internet driven and utilizes some of the most advanced IT systems for tracking and fulfillment. In fact, technological revolution keeps happening often. The logistics management company offers an array of technologies, such as the JDA software platform which has help to optimize various aspects of the company.

Additionally, the IT solutions provided United Facilities help the company to:
  • effectively manage warehouse management and packaging systems for both turnkey and industry
  • navigate around world class server-based systems
  • integrate perfectly with customer ERP systems

Transportation Management Solutions

Effective transport operations are key to an efficient supply chain network. United Facilities' network of professional and trusted partners help the 3PL provider maintain consistency and sufficient safety of clients' goods or products until they get to their final destination. It may involve route planning, courier management, load handling, execution and all the freight payments involved. United Facilities has tailor made transport solutions uniquely designed for the most complex transportation needs.

Value Added Services

As a company that endeavors to boost customer experience, United Facilities is always engaged in efforts to come up with aspects that will help us achieve that. One such aspect is CI or rather Consumer Improvement. This takes the form of incremental improvements over a specific duration of time or just breakthrough improvements which happen immediately.

It's based on 5 guiding principles: identify, analyze, measure, improve, evaluate, and it's definitely a win-win for both the company and the customers. It has had tremendous positive impact on the employee operations and overall organization.

In addition, United Facilities has been acknowledged and rewarded by one of its top customers - a Fortune 500 company, as the CI champions of the year. This is a great highlight that actually stemmed from the cost effective measures and strategies we've been able to effectively implement.


Locally-Trusted Gold Buyer Serving Birmingham-Bloomfield, MI

If you're interested in selling your gold or silver assets in the Birmingham-Bloomfield area of Michigan, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry is your trusted local gold buyer. Birmingham Coin & Jewelry buys and sells a wide variety of silver and gold items, primarily jewelry, coins, watches, and other unique rarities.

 Over the 30 years of doing business as southeast Michigan's leading silver and gold dealer, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted dealers to buy or sell gold in Birmingham-Bloomfield. They help all types of customers get the most value from their:
  • Silver & Gold Jewelry
  • Silver & Gold Coins
  • Precious/Semi Precious Gems & Metals
  • Silver & Gold Watches
  • Stamps

Although centrally located in Birmingham, MI, the gold buyer is recognized as the go-to local dealer in the areas of Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills, Troy, Rochester, and Shelby Township of southeast Michigan. Contact or visit the location's address below:

Birmingham Coin & Jewelry
33802 Woodward Ave
Birmingham, MI 48009
Phone: (248) 642-1234

You can connect with Birmingham Coin & Jewelry on Facebook and Yelp to see customer reviews and other information.

Beyond a Birmingham-Bloomfield Gold Buyer

In addition to being known as an experienced, professional, and locally-trusted Birmingham gold buyer and seller, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry also provides a number of other specialties including:
  • Silver & Gold Jewelry Repairs
  • Diamond & Colored Gem Setting
  • Gold & Silver Ring Sizing
  • Gold & Silver Chain Fixing
  • Jewelry Polishing and Buffing
  • Watch Battery Changing

A Leading Silver & Gold Dealer in Southeast Michigan

Unlike other gold buyers in Birmingham, MI, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry centers its business model on helping customers get the most profit from their silver and gold assets. With an honest reputation as the leading gold and silver buyer in the greater southeast Michigan area, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry uses an accurate and dependable system to determine gold purity and value based on current market values. In short, the team of gold buyers makes customer satisfaction their top priority.

With the mission to appraise customers' gold and silver items with the utmost honesty and integrity, Birmingham Coin & Jewelry buys and sells gold and silver from it's customers at unbeatable prices. Birmingham Coin & Jewelry employs a skilled and knowledgeable staff that keeps loyal Birmingham-Bloomfield customers coming back time and time again.