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Showing posts with the label yellow pages

Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is Replacing the Yellow Pages

Just a few years ago, it was a must of businesses to be listed in the Yellow Pages. However, the once popular Yellow Pages are being replaced by more cutting edge marketing channels - many of which are digital. And although the Yellow Pages are striving to keep up with the times, businesses are looking for more effective marketing solutions that offer greater bang for the buck . One of these solutions is search engine optimization (SEO). In essence, SEO services are replacing the Yellow Pages. Below are several reasons why this shift is taking place. Accessibility The Internet and its many search engines (primarily Google) is highly accessible. In addition to being accessible on a global scale, the Internet is accessible on various devices, such as mobile. Given modern technological advancements in how we seek solutions for our needs, searching the Internet is paramount - especially for local needs. As a result, SEO is dominant force that both local and global busin...