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New SOLAS Shipping Container Weight Verification Regulations Take Effect July 1st

The Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) has been approved by International Maritime Organization to make sure that containers being shipped via ships must have a defined and validated weight. The responsibility of verified shipping container weight is assigned solely to the organization whose shipping the item. This new rule will become active starting July 1, 2016. Therefore, once the regulated package requirement is in effect, a violation would be assigned to the ship controller and marine terminal operator if the weight of the containers onboard have not been confirmed. The SOLAS container weight verification requirements state that there are two avenues shippers can take in order to define the container’s weight once the packaging phase has occurred. If you live on the Earth, this rule applies to you. All people involved with the shipping process will need to create guidelines and policies to enforce these guidelines: guidelines teaching how to verify the weight of a...