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Showing posts with the label mailrooms

5 Mailing System Machines That Work Magic for Business Mailrooms

Regardless of your relationship with your mailroom, whether you work in one or supervise one, you probably have an interest in ways to make it operate more efficiently and cost-effectively . Just as is the case with so many other areas of business life, technology has not left the mailing room behind. In fact, in the past few years, the number of mailing machines that are designed and built to not only maximize, but expand the abilities of the mailroom have grown exponentially. Even those mailing machines that have existed for years have been redesigned to make them better than they ever were before. Here's a brief look at just a few of the newest mailing system machines. Postage Meters Postage meters have been around for years, so what more could you possibly do for them? The truth is that whatever advantages they give you in efficiency with your current workload, they can improve manifold. Today's mailing postage machines  simplify outgoing mail processing to ensure ...