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Eastside Wellness Chiropractic: Holistic Health Meets Integrated Therapy

In taking a look at one the most integrated sports physical therapy and chiropractic centers in Peoria, Eastside Wellness Chiropractic stands out from the rest. Specializing in a wide range of functional based treatments and holistic health modalities, Eastside Wellness Chiropractic is the go-to destination for advanced therapy, rehabilitation, and top sports chiropractors in Peoria, IL.

Visit Eastside Wellness Chiropractic, and see what makes this one of the leading destinations in Peoria for complete chiropractic care. In addition to chiropractic care, Eastside Wellness Chiropractic offers a number advanced treatments.
Eastside Wellness Chiropractic Peoria IL

Active Release Technique

Also referred to as ART, Active Release Technique focuses on treatment of injuries on nerves, fascia, muscles and tendons to back function and motion to normal on the affected areas by eliminating scarred tissues. Active Release Technique is based on improving motion through tissue movement and massage, which can be highly helpful to athletes.

McKenzie Method

The McKenzie Method is yet another popular chiropractic approach used at the chiropractic treatment center to address a wide range of musculoskeletal sports injuries. It focuses on guiding the patient on self-treating themselves under the guidance of a professional practitioner. It is highly affordable since not too much of medication and machinery is involved.

Impulse Adjusting Technique

As an effective chiropractic technique used at Eastside Wellness Chiropractic is the Impulse Adjusting Technique, which makes use of an instrument that provides specific treatments to specific parts such as the back, shoulders, hips and other joints. Impulse Adjusting Technique is meant to improve alignment and restore range of motion to the affected musculoskeletal parts. It is gentler than most other approaches and suitable patients of all ages.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

Referred to as Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization in full, DNS is another of their specialization, which seeks to improve the function of the nervous system and its components to restore motion patterns to normal function. They also provide CFD or Cox Flexion Distraction, another technique used to address intervertebral disc injuries or dysfunctions as an alternative to spinal surgery.

Eastside Wellness Chiropractic also incorporates healthy nutrition advice to their patients as part of chiropractic treatment, since the risk of developing musculoskeletal conditions, is increased with increase in weight, often caused by poor diet choices and lack of enough exercise.

Peoria's Leading Sports Chiropractors
Peoria Sports Chiropractors

One thing that makes them ideal chiropractors for sports injuries is that they do not just look at the pain and symptoms exhibited by the patient to offer passive treatment. They instead provide treatment based on a holistic approach that is geared to determine the root cause of the problem and provide and active care to the patient until recovery.

The Peoria chiropractic practice's services are also highly affordable and reliable, especially since they specialize in a wide range of treatment techniques from which once can be picked based on a patient’s individual condition.

Address & Contact Information of Eastside Wellness Chiropractic

Visit the local Peoria Area address of Eastside Wellness Chiropractic or contact the chiropractors at:

Eastside Wellness Chiropractic
351 Rusche St,
Creve Coeur, IL 61610


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