Many businesses that employ in-house marketing teams are investing in their own internal SEO resources. Whether it be SEO tools or educational programs to better a company's capabilities with search marketing, there's a trend among many companies in keeping SEO in-house (and not outsourcing SEO services to another firm.) As the lead SEO for companies like Optimized Surgeons and other local SEO firms, I get asked what tools I use for SEO intelligence and competitive analysis. Below are three of the top SEO tools that I recommend for in-house marketing teams. 1. Moz Moz provides a variety of inbound marketing and marketing analytics that are worth having for the improvement of SEO on your online business. Although the Moz subscriptions come in different packages for diverse use, you will definitely fall in love with this easy to use tool that will help you track your website rankings on search engines, compare link metrics and analyze keyword difficulty among other use...
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