When searching for computer stores in Peoria, IL, you're often best off working with a local business over a big box retailer. In short, there are many perks to going with local businesses for computers compared to going to big box stores like Best Buy. For starters, you get specialized knowledge and customer support versus bloated sales teams and unmotivated customer services. When it comes to being the best in business for buying computers in Peoria, IL , check out these local computer stores in the greater Peoria Area. Facet Technologies, Inc. Facet Technologies, Inc. is one of the most sought after computer stores in Peoria. The company has been in business since 1989, providing a wide range of computer system and IT solutions to help organizations grow their business. The company has been serving Peoria and nearby regions within the central Illinois with their dedicated team of IT consultants and solutions to all sorts of businesses in the region. Fac...
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