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Berkeley Chiropractor Redefines California's Chiropractic Scene

As a pioneering Berkeley chiropractor for over 40 years, Dr. Mik Hamilton of Hamilton Chiropractic in north Berkeley, CA is redefining California's standards for chiropractic care. By adopting the latest techniques and technologies in chiropractic care, Dr. Hamilton has become the authoritative chiropractor in Berkeley.

In addition to helping over 10,000 patients in his career, Dr. Hamilton has also educated countless other chiropractors in Berkeley and abroad. But what truly makes this Berkeley chiropractor so reputable in the Bay Area of California?

A Holistic & Effective Chiropractic System

Patients of Hamilton Chiropractic in Berkeley are involved in a more holistic and effective chiropractic system. Unlike other chiropractors in Berkeley, Dr. Hamilton is centers his practice on the Pettibon System.

The Pettibon System is a unique approach to chiropractic care as it involves more long-term focus of restoring the spines natural curvature, eliminating pain and health concerns associated with subluxation and bulging discs. The unique system utilizes the science of bio-mechanics, and includes a combination of chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, patient exercises and home care programs, as well as postural correction body weights designed to bring balance to musculature responsible for proper movement and bio-mechanics.

The targeted outcome of the Pettibon System's approach is completely restore the spine so that pain and health issues relieve themselves naturally over time. Unlike neighboring Berkeley chiropractors who use reactionary methods of spinal adjustment to temporarily help mitigate pain in patients, the Pettibon System used by Dr. Hamilton is preventive and progressive approach that delivers lasting results.

Effective Chiropractic Technology

One of the most respected reasons why Hamilton Chiropractic has distinguished itself among other chiropractic office in Berkeley is Dr. Hamilton's ambition to progress his practice and adopt the latest, most effective chiropractic technologies. Below we go into detail about some of these technologies and how they help patients.

Spinal Decompression
Most patients who visit Berkeley chiropractor Dr. Hamilton use the spinal decompression machine, or spinal decompressor. This motorized device is used to stretch the spine from the neck and hips, all while generating a vibration to help facilitate separation and expansion of compressed discs. In fact, the spinal decompression machine is a perfect solution for bulging, herniated, or degenerating discs, which are often a culprit for lower back pain.

Chiropractor Administered K-Laser Treatment
Only used by the most advanced chiropractors in Berkeley, the K-laser (a safe, low-level (or "cold") laser treatment) is immensely effective at promoting blood circulation and cellular growth at dormant areas throughout the body. The K-laser, when used in conjunction with other chiropractic treatments, and provide an incredible means for spinal restoration, as most musculature that connects to the spine requires long-term healing. Additionally, the K-laser can help restore tendons and ligaments found all throughout the body.

Experience Beyond Other Berkeley Chiropractors

Having started his career as Berkeley chiropractor since the 1970's, Dr. Hamilton has been a role model in the chiropractic profession. By utilizing the powerful technologies mentioned above, as well as adopting the unique and highly effective Pettibon System, Hamilton Chiropractic of Berkeley, California has become a go-to destination for individuals looking to overcome their physical issues (not those looking for a quick fix.)

To learn more, you contact Dr. Mik Hamilton directly at:

Hamilton Chiropractic Offices
1313 Gilman St, Ste B
Berkeley, CA 94706
Phone: (510) 526-3362
Contact Hamilton Chiropractic


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  2. I have myself visited Hamilton Chiropractic last year when i had backache because of a very hectic routine life and i consider Dr.Hamilton as the best chiropractor ever because i had visited a lot of center but here i had relief because if his used techniques. Now i am living a perfect pain free life because of Hamilton.


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