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Showing posts from June, 2013

Why Carving Your Market Niche is Critical to Scale Toward Success

Pinpointing the right niche markets for your righteous business is a critical first step before undergoing any major marketing or advertising initiatives. The fact of the matter is, over 80% of the businesses fail within a year. The main reason for this is choosing to target certain markets that's far to broad or overly-competitive (or saturated.) It is important to take the time to conduct some research, both internally and externally, and choose a niche market that's less saturated and offers an adequate number of potential customers. One of the ways to figure out the right market for your business to start a business is by deeply narrowing the subsets of target markets you have in mind. This concept is popularly known as "micro marketing" or "niche marketing." This practice is a good way to evade the competition from big-box companies that seem to dominate most general market spaces. It is also easier to understand your micro market and target c...