When you find something cute, interesting, or fun out there on the World Wide Web, it could be tempting to share it with everyone you know, including your customers. However, this could be a very big mistake. Yes, those images may be cute, but what do they say about your business? Think about the following and you just may change your mind before you post that video of a puppy howling “hello”. Your Business Should Always Remain Separate from Your Personal Life The cardinal rule of good business is to remember that your business is not your personal life. When you set up a business webpage or social media page, these presences should be related to business and business only. If you want to share personal information, make sure you are sharing it on your own personal pages instead. When you muddle the lines between your business and your personal life, you are creating a situation that can be detrimental for your company, and it is a situation that can be very hard to get out of. ...
News, press releases, and posts featuring businesses that do things righteously.