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Showing posts from August, 2011

A Few Reasons Why Exponent Rocks!

As a radically different Content Management System, Exponent makes it possible for website owners to literally manage their websites on their own – with ease. Exponent allows users to edit webpages as they look on the web, compared to content management systems that display a more “back-end” view. Aside from this major departure from the usual way we facilitate content management, this design flexbile CMS has features that make it a very attractive option for website owners. Web designers know that a CMS can limit what they can achieve with their designs. Exponent is different because web designers can freely apply the designs they desire. Exponent is a design flexible CMS that provides a wide range of capabilities for website designs. OIC, the website design company behind Exponent, uses base templates and accompanying CSS for a variety of modules it offers. Equipped with the Smarty Templating Engine, Themers are provided with a great selection of Smarty plug-ins that all work t...

Exponent CMS: Simple, Convenient, and Easy Open Source Content Management System

Simply, Exponent, developed by Online Innovative Creations, is a content management system that makes it very easy for website owners to style and manage their websites without worrying about site navigation or the technical coding aspects. For many website owners, this is a cause for excitement because this definitely allows owners to take full control of their sites; maintain it, edit or change it without depending on a professional web designer or developer to do it for them. Considering that Exponent provides a long-awaited solution to the problems faced by web owners, it is surprisingly low cost. If you are looking for an affordable web design company to propel your business forward, Exponent is certainly one of the options you can seriously consider. There are four practical reasons why Exponent is considered an excellent content management system by many. For one, Exponent is completely self-contained. Web owners don’t need to download additional applications to be allowed ...

Tasteful, yet Affordable Web Design for Small Businesses

Websites have become a dominant resource in terms of maximizing the profit potential of almost any business. Large and well-established companies know this well, and most of them go all out in acquiring website services of the best in the field. However for most small businesses, finding the right web designer at the right price can be a challenge. Many small business owners want a website at a reasonable cost without compromising performance and design. And in most cases, investing in a website can be a costly endeavor. Now there is a cost-effective solution to achieve both. Web Chefs is a new team of web designers that specializes in "tasty, affordable, small business web design " for companies with a limited website budget. What distinguishes Web Chefs from other web designers are their SEO friendly CMS capabilities. They can put any design on an easy to use content management system. This allows users with basic computing skills can take full control of their website w...